Calle Gironella 6-8, Planta 2.
Edificio Corachan 3.


M - T: 08:00 – 20:00 h.
F: 10:00 – 14:00 h.

Get in touch with one of our specialists

Tipo de visita

Annual gynecological check-up

The Annual Gynecological Exam is a specialized medical visit that is very important for your health and personal well-being.

The annual exam allows us to prevent future problems or, if necessary, initiate the most effective and appropriate treatment for your circumstances and needs as soon as possible.

The gynecological exam usually takes 20 to 30 minutes and includes the following: 

  • A personal interview with the gynecologist
  • Health guidelines and preventive counseling
  • Examination by the gynecologist
  • Examination of breasts and armpits
  • Vaginal ultrasound

Depending on your age and stage of life, we may order additional tests:

  • Blood tests
  • Cytology
  • Mammography
  • Bone densitometry
  • Human papillomavirus testing

If you are experiencing discomfort or pain related to your period, or if you notice changes in your breasts, do not wait for your annual gynecological exam and make an appointment as soon as possible.

Meeting with your gynecologist

The gynecological exam begins with a personal interview. Through a series of questions, we will discuss your personal circumstances, as well as your current and future needs and concerns.

Depending on your stage of life, we will discuss important topics such as the onset of menstruation, contraception, pregnancy preparation, fertility preservation, menopause, etc.

Health guidelines and preventive counseling

Depending on your circumstances and interests, we can advise you on: 

  • Contraceptive methods
  • Fertility issues
  • Preparation for pregnancy
  • Human papillomavirus vaccination
  • Menopause care
  • Osteoporosis prevention
  • Guidelines and general health habits by age group

Examination by a gynecologist

After a personal interview, your gynecologist will perform a physical examination of the abdomen, external genitalia, vagina, cervix, and breasts.

Examination to rule out Human Papillomavirus infection

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted infection that is common in the general population. It can cause anything from lesions in the genital mucosa to precancerous lesions or various types of cancer.

Most people can have the virus and have no symptoms because their immune systems eliminate the virus. But in some women, the virus persists for many years and can cause changes in cells that lead to the development of cancer.

For this reason, it is important that women who persist with the virus receive more attention and closer monitoring to prevent the development of precancerous lesions.

At Women’s, we administer the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine to women who request it.

Breast and Armpit Exam

The breast and armpit examination is painless and causes no discomfort. To rule out any pathology, we examine the skin for changes, possible lumps in the breasts or armpits, or discharge from the nipples.

If, after the examination, we feel it is necessary to rule out or confirm a diagnosis, we will order additional tests, such as a mammogram.

Vaginal ultrasound

Gynecologic ultrasound is a quick, safe, and painless test that is usually performed using a transvaginal approach. 

The ultrasound allows us to examine the internal organs of the pelvis using ultrasound to detect or rule out possible abnormalities or pathology.

Other tests (depending on age and stage of life)


Cytology is a quick, simple, and painless test in which a sample of cells is taken from the vagina and cervix and then analyzed.

By analyzing the cells, we can detect precursors to cervical cancer and possible infections caused by bacteria, fungi, or viruses such as human papillomavirus (HPV).

At Women’s, we recommend cytology from the time you become sexually active and repeat the test every 2 or 3 years.


Mammography is a safe and quick diagnostic test that takes about 20 minutes.

Among other pathologies, mammography allows us to detect tumors before they have invaded breast tissue, distant organs, or lymph nodes.

Thanks to mammography, we can detect breast cancer in its earliest stages, up to 2 years before it becomes palpable. This ensures early diagnosis, which allows us to begin the most appropriate treatment as soon as possible.

At Women’s, we recommend that all women aged 40 and older have an annual mammogram.


Densitometry is a test that accurately determines bone mass or density. It is useful both for the early diagnosis of osteoporosis and for monitoring its progression.

Densitometry does not cause any pain; it is advisable to start performing it at the time when menopause occurs.

If you do not have risk factors, at Women’s we advise you to perform the test in the first two years without estrogen, that is, in the first two years after the date of the last menstrual period.

Dr. Francisco Carmona Herrera

Ginecología, Revisión Ginecológica, Oncología Ginecológica, Endometriosis

Director científico

Especialista en Ginecología y Obstetricia, Endometriosis, Patología ginecológica benigna, Alteraciones del suelo pélvico y Cirugía ginecológica mínimamente invasiva.

Dr. Damian Dexeus Carter

Ginecología, Revisión Ginecológica, Oncología Ginecológica, Embarazo y Parto

Director médico.

Especialista en Ginecología y Obstetricia. Especialista Cáncer de mama y enfermedades premalignas de cuello, vagina y vulva. Obstetra.

Dra. Mariona Rius Dorca

Ginecología, Revisión Ginecológica, Oncología Ginecológica, Endometriosis

Especialista en Ginecología y Obstetricia. Experta en endometriosis, Patología ginecológica benigna y Cirugía laparoscópica.

Dr. Félix Lugo Salcedo

Ginecología, Revisión Ginecológica, Embarazo y Parto

Responsable de la Unidad de Salud Íntima y Disfunción de Suelo Pélvico de Women’s.
Especialista en Cirugía Ginecológica Mínimamente Invasiva, Cirugía Vaginal, Prolapso Genital e Incontinencia Urinaria.

Dra. Laura Cortés Laguna

Ginecología, Revisión Ginecológica, Embarazo y Parto

Especialista en Ginecología y Obstetricia, Ecografía ginecológica y obstétrica 3D y 4D, Histeroscopia quirúrgica, Medicina materno-fetal, Láser gineco-obstétrico, Patología y Cirugía ginecológica y PNIE.

Dr. Montserrat Manubens Grau

Ginecología, Revisión Ginecológica, Menopausia y Perimenopausia

Responsable de la Unidad de Menopausia y Perimenopausia de Women’s CD. Especialista en Ginecología y Obstetricia

Dr. Jordi Portella Simo

Ginecología, Revisión Ginecológica

Especialista en Ginecología y Obstetricia, Histeroscopia quirúrgica, Patología benigna de la mama, Patología maligna de la mama, Colposcopia.

Dra. María del Valle Fuentes

Ginecología, Revisión Ginecológica, Menopausia y Perimenopausia

Especialista en Ginecología General, Ecografía Obstétrico-Ginecológica, Ecocardiografía Fetal y Morfología Fetal.

Dra Rosa Porqueras Suárez

Ginecología, Revisión Ginecológica, Ginecología Infantil y Juvenil

Responsable de la Unidad de Ginecología de la Adolescencia de Women’s CD.

Dra. Maddalena Santirocco

Ginecología, Revisión Ginecológica, Embarazo y Parto

Especialista en Ginecología General, Medicina Fetal, Ecografía Obstétrica y Diagnóstico Prenatal.

Get in touch with one of our Annual gynecological check-up specialists

Tipo de visita


Abordar la salud de forma integral y llevar un estilo de vida saludable te hará sentir mucho mejor.

Descubre cómo el Láser CO2 ginecológico puede ayudarte a mejorar tu bienestar íntimo.


M- T:
09:00 – 20:00 h.
F de 9:00 a 14:00