Gynecologists, specialist doctors, and nursing

We are Women’s, your center of specialists in women’s medicine where you will find comprehensive and personalized medical care.
Women’s was born from the union of two experienced medical teams, led by Dr. Francisco Carmona and Drs. Santiago Dexeus and Damián Dexeus, with a common purpose: to provide health and well-being to women.
Our extensive experience and constant commitment to innovation have propelled us as leading specialists in all areas of gynecology, obstetrics, and women’s well-being.
We work day by day to offer you personalized, comprehensive, and excellent medical care in all stages of your life, from adolescence to adulthood.
We work as a team, for your health and well-being.
We have a large multidisciplinary team of professionals to offer you a comprehensive, effective, and up-to-date solution at all times and in any circumstance in your life.
The professionals at Women’s work daily to accompany you with a personal, close, and warm approach, in addition to the most complete service that allows for the most advanced medical innovation
Tradition and innovation, united for excellence.
Since 2016, we have been working for your well-being and adapting to accompany you through all stages of your life. While our history dates back to the Dexeus family:
In 1935, Santiago Dexeus i Font founded Clínica Mater, the first private maternity clinic in Spain.
His sons, Josep María Dexeus i Trias de Bes and Santiago Dexeus i Trias de Bes, continued his legacy in the field of gynecology and obstetrics, and in 1973, they founded the Dexeus University Institute.
They played significant roles in modern gynecology in Spain, including early cancer diagnosis, colposcopy, oncological surgery, the first gynecological laparoscopy, the advent of assisted reproduction techniques, the first artificial insemination, and the first in vitro fertilization.
In 2016, Santiago Dexeus, Damián Dexeus, and Francisco Carmona founded Women’s to continue caring for your health by providing comprehensive and personalized care that allows you to live more comfortably and safely.
The entire history of the Dexeus family and Dr. Carmona’s extensive experience have come together at Women’s to lead the way in quality gynecological care in Barcelona.

A complete, modern, and comfortable healthcare campus.
Our clinic is located at C/ Gironella, 6-8 (Barcelona), a complete, modern, and comfortable healthcare campus where you can undergo analyses and complementary diagnostic tests in a single day without the need for transfers.
We collaborate with most Health Insurance providers.
Some of the private health insurance companies we work with include, among others:
Aegon, Agrupació, AMCI, Allianz, Asistencia Sanitaria Colegial, AXA, Cáser, Cosalud, Cigna, Clínicum, DKV Seguros, HNA, L’Aliança, Mapfre, Mútua General de Catalunya, Segurcaixa-Adeslas.
If you wish to check if we have added new collaborations, please send us an email at, call 934 160 606, or click on Medical Insurance.