Health and Vulvovaginal Aesthetics

The care of vulvovaginal health and aesthetics involves improving the functionality, muscle tone, sensitivity, and appearance and harmony of the genital area.

Throughout life, pregnancies, childbirth, the onset of menopause, cancer treatments, and the practice of some sports can cause a significant decrease in the quality of the tissues that cover the genitals.

The decrease in tissue quality can cause urinary incontinence, lack of lubrication, vaginal laxity, genital itching, or pain during sexual intercourse.

These are very common symptoms whose intensity can increase over time if the appropriate treatment is not received.

If you experience any of these symptoms, make an appointment with the gynecologist. At Women’s, we can treat and effectively alleviate them in a comprehensive and personalized way.

What are the causes of vaginal atrophy?

During fertile age, estrogens (the main female sexual hormone) maintain the elasticity, hydration, and lubrication of the external genitals and the vaginal wall.

From the first to the last period, vaginal health is preserved by these hormones, responsible for proper vulvovaginal functioning.

In menopause, after childbirth, or if you have been treated with chemotherapy or radiotherapy, the organs protected by estrogens suffer a lack of protection.

If we do not treat it properly, vulvovaginal lack of protection can result in a decrease in your intimate well-being and quality of life.

Treatments for vaginal atrophy

Treatments involving the prescription and use of moisturizing creams, vaginal lubricants, and hormonal treatments with oral estrogens or local application are the first choice and the fundamental pillar for recovering from vaginal atrophy.

However, we know that these treatments require consistency, usage time, and do not always allow reversing the symptoms as quickly as required in the short term.

At Women’s, in addition to the more conservative treatments, we have the treatment with gynecological CO2 LASER.

The gynecological CO2 LASER is a physical, non-invasive, and very effective treatment, which alleviates or ends symptoms related to the lack of estrogens and improves your intimate well-being.

Get in touch with one of our Health and Vulvovaginal Aesthetics specialists

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M- T:
09:00 – 20:00 h.
F de 9:00 a 14:00